Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Flyer Washing Hands

Standard 4 The students will understand concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention.
Objective 3 Demonstrate proper personal hygiene and universal precautions.

Educational Technology:
Standard 6 Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning and for pursuit of personal interests. (4)

Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments

The tool that I chose to use was a flyer, which I made in google slides. It was easy to assemble and I was able to add all of the information that I needed. This tool is great because it would be a way to introduce current events, events coming up, and to even introduce new concepts in a different way. I can use this tool in my future classroom to introduce new things to students, I like the flyer tool because it is a good way to add important information in a quick and condensed way.

Pros of making a flyer is that it helps to inform people in a quick and organized manner. It is also great because you can add the most important information to the flyer without making it too wordy or overwhelming.

Cons of this tool is you can’t add too much to the flyer or else it would make it bulky and harder to engage students in a fast and flashy way.

I will use this in my future classroom when I need to make easy and simple information that can be condensed to students. Flyers could also be used to present the most important information to students, sort of like a review.

My students can utilize this tool by making their own flyer to present information that they have learned. It would also be interesting to possibly have the students make a flyer as an alternative to assignments or even tests. With this specific flyer, it introduces to 3rd graders about washing their hands for health class, thus teaching them the proper hand washing techniques.

ThingLink Fossils

Standard 4: Students will understand how fossils are formed, where they may be found in Utah, and how they can be used to make inferences.

Educational Technology:
Standard 8: Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)

Standard 2: Design and develop digital age learning experience and assessments.

The tool I used in this lesson is ThinkLink. This is a great educational tool because it allows students to actively learn about topics. It’s helpful for me because it allows for different types of teaching and also different learners to engage in the topic. It is an interactive tool that isn't just limited to the information that has been taught and that is already known, it allows the students to learn from other sources on the internet. That's why it is a good idea to add pictures, videos, and links to the ThinkLink, it broadens the students horizons.

Pros of this tool was that it allows the students to learn and interact with the technology that they are using. ThinkLink is also great because you can make all the tools interactive and adjust to certain learning types.

Cons the students can get distracted, they can go to other things on the internet

I would use this tool to allow students to learn and relearn what they feel like they are lacking or what they want to learn more about. It would also be a good tool to allow the students to use technology and also introduce them to new technology sources and how useful it can be in their education.

It will be great for students to watch the videos and also follow the links that the ThinkLink has in order to add to the students learning. The tool allows students to look around and also learn from what they are doing on the technology side of learning and interacting and this would be a great way to utilize this tool, in a way, killing two birds with one stone.

Google Docs Sediment Formation

How Do Big Rocks turn into smaller rocks?

Standard 2 Earth and Space Science. Students will gain an understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestial movement, and weather.
Objective 1 Describe the characteristics of different rocks.
Explain how smaller rocks come from the breakage and weathering of larger rocks.

Education Technology:
Standard 8 Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)

Standard 4 Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.

The tool that I used was google docs. This is a great tool that anyone can utilize if you have a google account and it doesn’t cost anything. This tool is great because you can type, create assignments, and learn. I will use this tool because it’s a great way to create and share information with your students and even their parents.

The pros of this tool is that it is free and convenient. It’s also a good way to share information with others in one click. All of your files are available anywhere you have internet.

The cons of this tool is that it takes a little bit of research to learn how to do. When first using it, it is a bit confusing.

I will use this tool to present information in my classroom and also to make assignments because it's an easy and convenient way to store documents that are accessible through your email. It’s also a good option if you all you have is a desktop computer because if you use this, you can get your files anywhere that you need them.

My students can utilize this tool because it is an easy form of information sharing and you can easily share these documents with others. It would also be helpful to use when a student may be absent because you can send them the assignments or let them know what they may have missed out on.

Google Slides Traffic Signs

Traffic Signs Presentation for 2nd Graders

Standard 3 (Geography): Students will use geographic tools 

and skills to locate and describe places on earth.
Objective 1 Identify common symbols and physical features of a community, and explain how they affect people's activities in that area.
a. Identify community traffic signs and symbols, and know their meanings (e.g., stop sign, hazard symbols, pedestrian crossing, bike route, recreational, blind or deaf child signs).

Education Technology:
Standard 7 Use telecommunications and on-line resources (e.g., email, online discussions, web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (4, 5)

Standard 6 Technology Operations and Concepts

The tool that I chose to use was Google Slides. This is a great way to make presentations and make group presentations with others, without having to figure out different schedules for each person as often. You can meet once a week and still be involved and informed with what it being done. As a future teacher I can use this tool to share the presentations that I make with students' parents to include and inform them as to what their student is learning. This would also be a good tool to use with the students because at the end of the slides, there are assessment that the children can use to see how well they understand the content.  

Pros of this tool are that you can easily share your presentations with others. You can also collaborate with others and work together without being together in person.

Cons of this tool is that it takes some getting used to, you have to play around with it, to understand how to use it.

I can use this tool to show my students presentations that I have made and they are accessible anywhere I go.

My students can utilize this tool by using it for themselves if there is a group presentation or if they want to make a presentation themselves, they can present them anywhere that they have internet access. They could also have access to the presentations that I make if they needed to through any email available. They can also use this particular presentation to assess how well the students have grasped the content.