Thursday, April 6, 2017

TikiToki: Significant Events that Shaped Utah

Standard 2 Students will understand how Utah's history has been shaped by many diverse people, events, and ideas.  Objective 2 Describe ways that Utah has changed over time.

Education Technology:
Standard 6 Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning and for pursuit of personal interests. (4)

Computational Thinker Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.

The tool that I chose to use is TikiToki, it is a place where you can create digital timelines for whatever subject you would like.  This is a good tool because you are able to input the dates that you want the timeline to include and then you put a title and a brief description.  This would be a great tool to use now for projects where dates are important or when making a fun and different way to introduce a timeline.  I can use this tool in my future classroom when I am introducing certain subject where a timeline would be most appropriate.  Like in the TikiToki that I created, I did major events and people who helped shape the Utah that we know today.  

Pros of this tool is that you can set whatever dates you want and it can be as long of a time period as you would like it to be.  It is also nice that you can include websites where the person viewing it can go to for more information.  

Cons of this tool is that it is a bit confusing to navigate at first, it takes a bit of working and messing around to get used to.  You have to put in a day, month, year, and time that things happened which was a little difficult with some of the times that I was adding in.  If you want the free version, you are also only limited to one timeline.  

I will use this tool to present different dates and times that are important to know for my students. It would be a good thing to help them to visualize when things in history occurred.

My students will be able to use this tool when they are making project or even when they are needing to remember important and relevant dates.  They could make their own timelines with their own information that they find important and worthy to remember.  

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