Friday, January 26, 2018

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship 

1. Why is it important to teach about digital citizenship? 

It is important to teach digital citizenship because with technology being such a big part of education students need to understand that being responsible digitally is just as important as being responsible in person. Often times people think that what they put on the internet doesn't matter or that it's okay to put mean and hurtful things about other people, which is never the case and students should be taught that. Being a digital citizen also means that credit is given to the person that produced the information that you use. This is important because if you don't give credit where credit is due, you are essentially stealing. It is also important because children need to be taught how to use the internet safely to protect themselves and others. Teaching children about the importance of keeping their information safe is something that they will use throughout their lives. Digital citizenship is vitally important in a classroom because students will learn how important it is to give credit, treat each other with respect, and keep themselves safe. 

2. How might you teach digital citizenship in an elementary classroom? 

I think that it would be beneficial to relate how they are supposed to act in their community, to how they should act in their digital community. I would start by asking my students what they think their responsibilities are as members of the community that they live in. Following that question, I would ask them what their responsibilities are as a part of a digital community. The answers that my students give, should be very similar for both questions. I think that linking those two different types of community will help them to see how important being a good digital citizen is to them individually and as a whole. I would also ask them questions and possibly have an activity about stealing. This activity would help teach them that not giving credit to the sources that they use is a form of stealing. When teaching about being safe on the internet, it is important to tell the students how to be safe without scaring them too much that they will be afraid to use it. Doing an activity where the students are able to see how easy it would be for someone to steal their information if they aren't safe and keeping their information private. It is also be important to teach about digital citizenship on a continuing basis, so they don't forget the importance of it. 

Works Cited: 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Standards and PLNs

Standards and PLNs  


UEN Website resources:

There is a direct Canvas course link on UEN that you can use to sign in with your email and password. This would be very helpful because you are able to find everything that you need in one place.

There is a lesson plan tool link that takes you to a sign in on UEN. This takes you to the UEN website where you can find the core and standards. 

There is a dictionary and Thesaurus search bar that would be very helpful in finding the meaning of words in one spot. This is great because when you need to find a word you can do it there, as well as finding related words.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Equity and UDL

Equity and Universal Design for Leaning

Research says that equity is giving students the tools that they need. While Universal Design for Learning is flexible curriculum that can be understood by everyone.  Research says that when students have equality, there are students that will go without or they will not get what they individually need. While equity means that each student gets what they need to succeed. This can be integrated into teaching by making sure that each and every student is given tools to succeed. This means that as a teacher, it will be my job to make sure that I know each student and how to help them to get what they need. This will help my future students so they will be better equip with the knowledge and basic structure that will help lead them to success. This will extend branches or limbs that the students can use to climb their tree of knowledge.
My goal for Equity and Universal Design for Learning is that when I am a teacher and I have 25+ students in my class, I will have the skills that will help my students to reach individual success. I would like to know each of my students and learn from them because if I am able to understand my students they will then be getting the equity that they deserve. I hope that my students will see how important not only their education is, but also how important they are to me as individuals. When a student knows that their teacher has taken a personal interest in them, that is when they are more willing to empower themselves to learn and grow. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

About Me!

Who am I? 

I have lived in Utah all of my life and I love being surrounded by the mountains. I belong to a large family of 8 children. I fall into the number 5 spot out of the 8. I enjoy being outdoors, especially just sitting on my front porch reading or watching the cars go by. I have a pet bearded dragon named Larry the Lizard, he is almost a year old. I am engaged to a wonderful man named Shawn, he is a Social Studies Composite teacher. Everyday Shawn and I help my grandparents at their farm. We feed and care for the many cats and two horses that live there. I went to Utah State University for a year and transferred to UVU. I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I could remember. I think that one of my earliest memories of me knowing that I wanting to be a teacher would be playing house with my sisters and me always begging them to let me be the teacher. I want to be a teacher because I know that when a student has a good teacher and friend there isn't anything that they can't do! 

For this class, I would like to learn more about how I can integrate technology into my future classroom. I would also like to have a better understanding of what the advantages and also the disadvantages of having technology in a classroom. As well as solutions to solve those disadvantages