Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Equity and UDL

Equity and Universal Design for Leaning

Research says that equity is giving students the tools that they need. While Universal Design for Learning is flexible curriculum that can be understood by everyone.  Research says that when students have equality, there are students that will go without or they will not get what they individually need. While equity means that each student gets what they need to succeed. This can be integrated into teaching by making sure that each and every student is given tools to succeed. This means that as a teacher, it will be my job to make sure that I know each student and how to help them to get what they need. This will help my future students so they will be better equip with the knowledge and basic structure that will help lead them to success. This will extend branches or limbs that the students can use to climb their tree of knowledge.
My goal for Equity and Universal Design for Learning is that when I am a teacher and I have 25+ students in my class, I will have the skills that will help my students to reach individual success. I would like to know each of my students and learn from them because if I am able to understand my students they will then be getting the equity that they deserve. I hope that my students will see how important not only their education is, but also how important they are to me as individuals. When a student knows that their teacher has taken a personal interest in them, that is when they are more willing to empower themselves to learn and grow. 

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