Thursday, March 1, 2018

UDL Engagement

UDL Engagement

WebQuest will help students in many different ways, they can be teach students new or already known information that will help them.  It is a great way to get students minds working and focused on the task that they are doing. Students are able to work on the computer and learn about different educational information that is helpful to them. They are also able to learn how to better navigate the internet, using it in good and constructive ways that will help with their understanding. WebQuests are also a different than traditional way to get students to critical think the questions are posed to students in a way that makes them really think. WebQuests are a great way to get students motivated, get them thinking and make them think more critically. 
I would like to use WebQuests in my classroom with my future students because I think that it is a great way to help teach information and they are also able to learn at their own pace. I would like to create my own WebQuests, as well as using other peoples WebQuests because that would be very helpful and a great use of my resources as a teacher. I would like to incorporate this into my teaching and I think that students would really benefit from that integration. This is empowering for students because it is a way for them to work relatively on their own and they are able to think critically without having to feel pressured to come up with ideas in front of all their peers. I think that it will help students to be able to do their work better and more thoroughly.

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