Monday, April 30, 2018

Final Reflection

Final Reflection 

Through learning about technology integration, I have come to the conclusion that it is important to students and teachers. We need to allow and give our students the opportunity to use tools and their resources to help them. When students are able to use their resources they are better able to achieve and succeed. If teachers integrate technology into their teaching, students can be more creative and use that creativity to create digital products. Throughout this semester, I have changed my mind about integrating technology into a classroom because I hadn't been exposed to very much of it before. Before the semester started, I didn't really have a very good relationship with educational technology because I struggle when I can get it to work, but through learning in this class, that changed. I have learned that when we integrate technology into our class, students will be able to learn and interact with the material, making it more memorable. 

Throughout the semester, I learned about a bunch of different ways that I can integrate technology into a classroom. I think that it is very beneficial to give students projects that they can create through different technological resources. In my future classroom, I would like to have the opportunity to use Finch robots, they were so much fun to use and I think that students would learn quite a bit from them. Students should also be taught about different online tools that they can use. Some that I have really enjoyed are Poplet, Symbaloo,  and Google websites. I think that we need to integrate technology into our classrooms because it leads to a more enriched and better overall teaching experience. 

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