Wednesday, February 14, 2018

UDL Action & Expression (Summative)

UDL Action and Expression (Summative)

Using Finch Robots when teaching would be fun and interesting for students of all ages. How I would integrate Finch Robots into my teaching would be to have students learn about what the robot does and then give them a demonstration on how to make them work. Once students are taught the basic steps of the process of getting it to work they will be able to do it on their own or in partnerships. I liked the activity that we did in class where we made these into different animals found in Utah. This robot could be used for anything really, it could help with angles (when it turns), you could use it on a number line in math, there are so many possibilities. I would make using these robots a usual thing, have students use them often for different subjects so that they can master the controls and have fun interactive assessments so I can see what they learned.

As a future teacher, my goal with regard to the Finch Robots is that students have fun learning with them. Students will have another avenue to show what they have learned, they can present and talk through the robot. I would like my future students to be able to use these often because they are so versatile that they can be used for many different subjects. This is great with empowered learning because when students are able to not only be creative, but create something themselves they will learn more than they normally would. I also think that when students are given the opportunity to show what they know and learn through different ways they are able to feel more confident in what they have created and confident in themselves. 

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