Friday, February 2, 2018

UDL Representation

UDL Representation

Universal Design for Learning Principle 1: Multiple means of Representation 

This principle can be integrated into my teaching similarly to the project that we created in class. It means that I need to give my students different forms of representation that  will help them to do their best. It can and should be integrated through making and using videos or other forms of media that have text, visual aspects, and or sound. I would also like to be able to give my students information in multiple ways that will make sense to all my students. Students should be given the best chance at succeeding and this is a great way to help them along to that process. 

This principle will help my student because they will be able to learn in different ways that they can understand. Representing information differently is important because every child will learn in a different way and a great teacher should be teaching to help all children to learn their best. As a teacher, my goals regarding this topic is that I will teach using different types of representation so that my students will be able to succeed. I would like to also integrate representation into my teaching because it will enrich the whole school experience.

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